Mike’s Monday Message 2-24-25

New Wappetaw Proclamation

“I will proclaim what the Lord has done.”

Palm 118:17 

Dear Friends,

I started out calling this message “Updates at New Wappetaw” but then I thought of a good Biblical word to express how I feel about our ministry right now at New Wappetaw. To proclaim is to publicly share the good news, to announce something good that is about to happen.

Well, something… actually lots of “somethings” are already happening. Our ministry teams are up and running, we had a great church oyster roast Saturday at the Allisons, we are preparing for a confirmation class to begin next Monday, we have the Ash Wednesday service next week and then a midweek Lenten study starting Wednesday, March 12. Our worship services are feeling full (but there is always room for you!).  I’m hearing positive comments from our folks and people outside the church are offering positive feedback. Our church calendar is filling in and we are expanding our mission within the community and beyond.

The spirit is alive and well, and that is when we have to be careful. When things go too well, we let our guard down and things can get off course very quickly. So as we prepare to enter the season of Lent, let us keep the momentum going, but let us also remember what this season is for and humbly seek God’s guidance as we move forward together.

It is a joy to be your pastor.

This Sunday, March 2…communion
Monday, March 3 first confirmation class
Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday service 6:30

To be added to our Mike’s Monday Message email list,
email revfitze@comcast.net

New Wappetaw Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 460
McClellanville. S.C. 29458
Rev. Dr. Michael L. Fitze
Cell. 843-737-1022


Previous Messages

Palm Sunday Preparations
Springing into Action…3-11-24
Church Membership 3-4-24
Lent: A Time to Give Up Stuff
Reflections on Ash Wednesday 2-12-24
The Church and the Super Bowl 2-5-24
Super Bowl of Caring 1-29-24
Elder Ordination 1-22-24
Dreaming 1-15-24
Star Words 1-8-24
Epiphanies… 1-2-24
The Enduring Love of Christmas 12-18-23
Gift Giving 12-4-23
Christmas Preparations 11-27-23
Church vs the “Nones” 11-6-23
Choosing Church leaders 10-30-23
Tuesday Workday at Church
God and the Local Government 10-2-23
World Communion Sunday 9-25-23
A Prayer for Labor Day 9-4-23
Covenant Promises
Laying a Sure Foundation
Summer Rest???
Bible School This Week!
Grocery Response
Community Outreach Food Drive
Workday this Saturday
Honoring Special People
Mothers and Baptisms
Preparing for Mother’s Day
Holy Week
Palm Sunday
Walk for Water
Baptism: A Sacrament for All Generations
Rejoicing in Lent?
Blessed is he who is kind to the needy
Ash Wednesday
A Note from New Wappetaw PNC