Worship Service
Worship Service led by Rev. Dr. Michael L. Fitze. Join us!
Worship Service and Covered-dish Luncheon
Join us in joyful celebration of our new pastor, Reverend Michael Lee Fitze. Worship at 10:00 am followed by a covered-dish luncheon in Mike's honor in the Fellowship Hall. Hear our ministry plan for 2023.
College Care
College care - all college students to receive Valentine gifts from the church
Worship Service
Join us for Worship Service at 10:00 AM. Session meeting follows.
Session Meeting
The Session will meet Immediately following worship service.
Annual Oyster Roast
Church Oyster Roast at the home of Andrew and Allen DuPre at 4:00PM.
Worship Service – First Sunday in Lent
Sermon: Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone, by Reverend Michael Fitze. Join us!
Session Meeting
The session meeting will follow the service.