Worship Service

Mr. James Deavor will be leading our service. Join us!

Worship Service

Mr. James Deavor will be leading our service. Join us!

Worship Service

Rev. Jim Miller will be leading us. Join us!

150th Church Anniversary Celebration

A 150th Church Anniversary Celebration will take place Sunday, August 28! This includes Worship service, a Historical Church Tour and a BBQ Church Dinner! Please plan on attending and tell all friends of the church and your family to join us for a good time! Worship service begins at 10:00AM. The Reverend Jim Miller will […]

Worship Service

The Rev. Steve Agan will be leading our service. Join us!

Worship Service

The Reverend Alex Porter will be leading our service. Join us!

Worship Service

Mrs. Marcy Carl will be leading our service. Join us!

Worship Service

The Reverend Dr. Mike Fitze will be leading our service. Join us!