VBS Planning Meeting

The second planning meeting for Village VBS 2023, July 10-14, will take place on Sunday, May 21. Meet at the Episcopal Parish House across the street from St. James-Santee Episcopal Church at 12 noon. All who are helping or who are interested in helping please attend.

Worship Service

Graduating high school and college seniors are recognized today. Sermon title: Your Future is Calling. Join us! Worship Bulletin 6-4-23    

VBS Planning Meeting

Meet at the Episcopal parish house on Oak Street Monday, June 5, at 10:00.

Communion Sunday

Communion will be served during the worship service.

Vacation Bible School 2023 – July 10-14

Community Vacation Bible School will take place July 10 - 14 and be hosted by St. James Santee Episcopal Chapel of Ease this year. The event is still in the planning stage; details will be posted as they become available.

Painting Workday

There will be a Saturday morning workday September 9 at 8:30 to paint the woodwork in the narthex. Contact Bob McCarley if you can help. 843-458-8300.

ECCO Grocery Bag Collection

Groceries will be collected on September 17th and 24th. Take home a grocery bag and return it with groceries the following Sunday. The groceries will be distributed by ECCO in the local area.