Painting Workday
There will be a Saturday morning workday September 9 at 8:30 to paint the woodwork in the narthex. Contact Bob McCarley if you can help. 843-458-8300.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Offering (for Hawaii fire disaster relief)
This is a special offering collected by the Presbyterian Church USA for the victims of the fires in Hawaii. All monies will be sent to PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance).
ECCO Grocery Bag Collection
Groceries will be collected on September 17th and 24th. Take home a grocery bag and return it with groceries the following Sunday. The groceries will be distributed by ECCO in the local area.
Wednesday Bible Study
This Bible Study series runs from Sept. 20 - Oct. 25, 2023. It meets in the fellowship hall at 6pm. Bring your favorite covered dish and join us for dinner and a time of study and fellowship.
ECCO Grocery Bag Collection
This is a local missions project. Groceries will be collected on September 17th and 24th. Take home a grocery bag and return it with groceries the following Sunday. The groceries will be distributed by ECCO in the local area.
Wednesday Bible Study
This series meets Wednesday evenings in the fellowship hall at 6:00 PM. Bring your favorite covered dish and join us for dinner and a time of study and fellowship.
Afternoon Circle
Meets at KayB McCarley's house on Oak Street. Lesson 2 will be discussed.
Wednesday Bible Study
This series of studies meets Wednesday evenings in the fellowship hall at 6:00 PM. Bring your favorite covered dish and join us for dinner and a time of study and fellowship.
Wednesday Bible Study
This series meets Wednesday evenings in the fellowship hall at 6:00 PM. Bring your favorite covered dish and join us for dinner and a time of study and fellowship.