Afternoon Ladies Circle Meeting
Meet with Betty Hills.
Lenten Meal and Study
A Lenten Meal and Study will be held every Wednesday evening throughout the Lenten Season. Bring a meatless covered dish and join us!
Lenten Meal and Study
A Lenten Meal and Study will be held every Wednesday evening throughout the Lenten Season. Bring a meatless covered dish and join us!
Lenten Meal and Study
Bring a meatless covered dish and join us!
Water Missions “Walk for Water”
New Wappetaw is currently signing up participants to help raise funds for this very worthy cause. Anyone is welcome to join our team. Please contact Rev. Fitze for details of the walk and to sign up. For more details on Water Mission and its purpose, please see their website at Water Missions
Lenten Meal and Study
Bring a meatless dish and join us!
Wisteria Parade
Meet at the church around 10:00. The parade starts at 10:30.
Palm Sunday
Join us for this special worship service. There will be a baptism and lots of special music. Sermon - Palms for a King, Rev. Dr. Michael L. Fitze
Afternoon Women’s Circle Meeting
Afternoon Women's Circle will be meeting on Tuesday, April 4 at the home of Karen McClellan, 8892 Old Georgetown Road at 3:00pm. All church women are invited to join us. Read Lesson 8 in Bible Study book if you can.