New Wappetaw Presbyterian Church Pastor
The Reverend Dr. Michael Lee Fitze Bio
Session Members
Clerk of Session: Nancy Dunn
Class of 2024: Sue Shaw Hills Rogers, Russell Tyler, Huger McClellan
Class of 2025: Bob McCarley, Rutledge Leland, Mary Duke
Class of 2026: Bob Dunn, Karen McClellan, Bob McCarley
Get to know our session Here
Church Staff
Pianist and Choir Director: Susan McAdoo
Children’s Choir: Kathy Leland and Becky Sellers
Youth Sunday School teachers: Ashleigh McClellan
Nursery and young children: Sharon Scott
Church Historian: Helen Morrison
Bookkeeper: Pam Morrison
Contact Information
New Wappetaw Presbyterian Church
635 Pinckney Street
P. O. Box 460
McClellanville, SC 29458
843-887-3366 (leave message)